In L.H. 925 the dome of the Holy shrine of Hadrat Masoumeh (s.) was reconstructed and outside The Holy shrine was covered with Moaraq tile and the Tall veranda and the two minarets in the old yard were built. In L.H. 970 shah Tahmaseb safavi ordered to complete and decorate the Holy shrine with tile making tomb and steel tomb and after that the present golden dome was made. The golden bricks were decorated in Qajar dynasty which was kept until 2001. At the same time the mirror Veranda and steel Veranda on the grave were replaced by valuable silver and the Balasar Mosque and Dar - Alshafa religious school and mirror veranda were made and decorated with mirror.

Fatima Masumeh was the sister of the eighth Twelver Shi'ite Imam Reza, and the daughter of the seventh Imam Musa al-Kadhim (Tabari 60). In Shia Islam, women are often revered as saints if they are close relatives to one of the Twelver Imams. Fatima Masumeh is therefore honored as a saint, and her shrine in Qom is considered one of the most significant Shi'i shrines in Iran. Every year, thousands of Shi'i Muslims travel to Qom to honor Fatima Masumeh and ask her to ask God for blessings.

Masoumeh Holy Shrine in Iran Golden verandas In L.H. 259 golden veranda along with two smaller verandas were made next to each other. The walls of the whole building were decorated with Moaraq tiles up to two meters. This inscription and the or ached of roof of the veranda has been covered with golden bricks. The two shorter verandas which are located around the golden veranda is decorated with Moaraq tiles. This veranda is decorated with mirror so it is called mirror veranda, and located on the eastern side of Holy shrine. Mirror veranda with the whole front saloon and smaller halls on the two floors, great tall minarets on the sides has special Islamic and architectural decoration and it is a very outstanding building. This complex has a special, wonderful, artistic view, and the architecture of this complex dates back to Qajar period and this veranda was made by Hasan Memarbashi.

Masoumeh Holy Shrine of Iran In the old courtyard on the golden veranda, there are cylindrical and tall Mazaneh which is covered with spiral tiles that between the spirals, the grand name like Mobarak Allah, Muhammad and Ali are written in Banai handwriting. Muhammad Hasan khan shahsavan shahbul Malek Bana ordered to make these Mazaneh in L.H. 1285 and their domes were gladdened, in L.H. 1301. The Holy tomb of Hadrat Masoumeh (s.): In L.H. 605 in Al- Mozafar period, Muhammad Ebn Abi Taher Kashi Qomi decorated the Holy shrine of Hadrat Masoumeh (s.) with golden tiles. In L.H. 1377, the Holy shrine was reconstructed with tile and stone. The porches: Balasar porch: This is a space between Balasar Mosque till the Holy tomb which is called Balasar porch. Dar Al- Huffaz porch: This space is between golden veranda and Holy tomb and the special ceremonies of Holy Quran memorizers, night ceremonies of servants of holy shrine are held here, too. The Holy shrine development plan: From 2001, the development plan of Holy shrine which was a national plan was stated by the government, and Housing and city Urbanizing Ministry was chosen as the administrator of this plan. The big bed - chambers and two Courtyards are the parts of development plan of Holy shrine that in July 2nd 2005 was opened by ex - president of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Muhammad Khatami. The extent of buildings of this complex is 13,275 square meters, that 1914 square meters of this extent includes dome, northern. Southern , eastern, verandas, Mosque and the graves of Safavi Kings.

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